Immune System

How To Build a Strong

Immune System

The Immune System is a barrier, your defense mechanism against infection, viruses, fungi and bacteria. A vigilant immune system is the body's protection against damage from invading bacteria, viruses, yeast, toxins and cancers.



Products to Keep the Immune System Strong
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As mentioned above, it is the body’s protection against viral infections, cancer cells, and bacteria, and is essential to having a healthy body. Your immune system includes your bone marrow, thymus, lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils and adenoids and appendix.



These organs have a specific role in keeping your body and immune system healthy and are responsible for the growth, development and deployment of lymphocytes, which are the white cells, the key laborers of the immune system. The primary lymphocytes are B-cells, T-cells, natural killer cells, macrophages and dendritic cells.



We do not have to live with our “yearly” colds, flu’s, viral infections and the like. With a strong immune system our body can do what it was designed to do naturally…i.e. defend itself against viruses, cancer cells, bacteria, common colds and keep our body detoxified.




The more informed you are about what breaks down the immune system and what keeps it strong, the easier it will be to stimulate and strengthen it. Your whole body will love you for it.





Toxins - Toxins – Toxins
~ White flour, White sugar, White rice, White potatoes, White salt ~
(If you eat the above on occasion, no problem.)
~ Fast Food, Microwaved Food, Processed Food ~
These are all devoid of nutrients for the most part and the effects of microwaving are astonishing (more on Microwaving)

Our immune system is directly affected by what we eat, drink, breathe and put on our skin. The poorer the diet, the GREATER AMOUNT OF TOXINS ACCUMULATE IN OUR BODY, and the more susceptible we are to infections, viruses and cancer. Our body is designed to process, metabolize and clear toxins naturally. However, we live in a world where the amount of toxins we take in daily far exceed anything this planet has ever seen before. These toxins have overwhelmed the body’s natural cleansing pathways.

The Transfer Factor Institute
If you treat your body badly with junk food, little or no exercise and a stressful lifestyle, your immune system has to work overtime to protect you.”




Although the following may seem overwhelming, please know there is much help available to reduce the burden on the immune system and re-build it. Towards the end of this page are solutions to assist you to do this… bringing the body back into a state where it can better heal itself.




TOXINS ~ (toxins are stored in body fat, and accumulate over years)



There is no way we can avoid all of the following toxins, however we can eliminate many of them and give the body what it needs to detoxify and re-build.



Some of the toxins you may not be aware of include:


Processed food contain huge levels of toxins
Microwaving destroys the molecular structure
Fast food - just watch the movie "Food Ink"
GMO’s - Genetically modified Foods
Aluminum Cookware
Non-stick, Teflon pans
Hair Dye
Drinking Water
Chemicals, chlorine, flouride
Chem Trails by aircraft
Mercury amalgam Fillings
Personal products as in toothpaste, make-up; hairspray
Heavy Metals i.e. cadmium, arsenic, lead
Antiperspirants and deodorants
Air fresheners
Pesticides and Herbicides
- - the ones you spray and fertilize with
- - And the ones sprayed on your food and soil
New Carpet, furniture etc – synthetic fumes
Fumes – car exhaust; formaldehyde
Spray starch – formaldehyde
Dry cleaning spot remover – solvents
Oven cleaner – lye aerosols
Furniture polish
Petroleum products
Depleted Uranium - especially if you have been in the Middle East or had physical    contact with those who have returned
   Use the Liquid Zeolite and the Red Desert Clay





Toxins are generally stored in body fat. Many of them bio-accumulate, (which means an increase in the concentration) and remain in the body tissues and organs for years, and as a result, have a cumulative effect. However, they can be flushed out. (More about this below.)




“The liver is responsible for breaking down and processing toxins such as pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, drugs, alcohol, chemicals found in processed foods, and other chemicals in the environment (basically all potentially harmful substances in the body).



Because of the increasing number of poisons in the environment, such as polluted air, contamination of water supplies, and chemical cleansers, the liver has to work harder and harder to detoxify the poisons. It is the organ most directly strained by pollution and environmental damage.” Janice Wittenberg, R.N., The Rebellious Body




“Externally, we get toxins from just about everywhere and in amounts that far exceed anything in history. “Each week approximately 6,000 new chemicals are listed in the Chemical Society’s Chemical Abstracts, which adds up to over 300,000 new chemicals each year.


On average we consume 14 pounds each year of food additives, including colorings, preservatives, flavorings, emulsifiers, humectants, and antimicrobials. In 1990, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) estimated there were 70,000 chemicals commonly used in pesticides, foods, and prescription drugs… the use of pesticides and herbicides to limit crop loss has skyrocketed over the past thirty years.


"The average person consumes one pound of these chemicals [pesticides, herbicides] each year. ” Digestive Wellness by Elizabeth Lipski, M.S.,C.C.N.







The body’s immune system does not respond well to drugs. Antibiotics tend to suppress the immune system when used long term.



“The greatest harm of drug treatment is usually not so much the toxicity or side effects as are the effects of suppression. Allopathic (conventional Western) medical thinking generally seeks immediate gratification: just make the symptom go away. So the patient may be better in the short term, but is usually worse in the longer term. Homeopathy is just the opposite: sometimes the symptoms are worse in the short term (such as with aggravation or the reversal of a previous suppression), but the real benefit is in the longer term.”


“A symptom, say itchy skin, is the body's response to a deeper problem. When a symptom is suppressed, it is only the outward manifestation of the problem that goes away. Since the deeper problem is still there, the body may, in time, produce the same symptom again. Another possibility is that, as a result of the suppression, the deeper problem progresses to the point that a deeper, more serious symptom is produced. So the itchy skin may go away, but then chronic diarrhea develops. If the diarrhea is then suppressed as well, it may lead to, say, liver disease. But hey, at least the skin is cleared up!”




“I see this pattern, or variations on it, very frequently in reviewing the medical records of new patients. It is the unrecognized, and often high, price that we pay for the quick fix, for immediate gratification, for the shot or pill that seems to make the problem go away.” Jeffrey Levy, DVM PCH








The following information is offered in love and compassion for those of us who struggle and have struggled with our health. We offer lots of ideas that can help in the process of cleaning the body from the inside out. Before you become overwhelmed, remember we detoxed over time. Just start where you are. Make whatever shifts and changes you can, listening to your inner voice. Healing your body is your choice. Whatever steps you take will be beneficial.



Detoxify the body - Detoxify the body.


It is really difficult for people to understand how many toxins they have floating in the blood and building up in the organs of the body, causing the lack of energy and/or chronic health problems. (Microscopic Dark Field Analysis will reveal what is in your blood and organs)




Many of us want to take something quick and fast to feel better, without having to change anything in our lifestyle. For those who are willing to take the next step, detoxifying the body is a must. Toxins directly slow the immune system function down, which allows for bacteria, fungi, cancer cells and viruses to prolificate.


So, we suggest beginning with the obvious - changing the food eaten to organic, live and green foods, which is discussed below. To jumpstart the detoxification quickly there are several excellent products to do this ~


Iaso Tea
For removal of parasites, worms, cleaning the colon and digestive system. This tea is quite potent. I drink one cup a day, however most people will drink 2+ cups per day to jumpstart the internal cleansing.